======================================== Q: Players can't connect on my server/I can't connect on other servers A: - Turn on sv_allowDownload/cl_allowDownload - Check that z-edawn-1_6_2.pk3 is the ONLY pk3 you have in \edawn directory ======================================== Q: I still can't connect on my server A: Try to remove unneeded pak files as excessive pak count may also cause this ======================================== Q: How to hide demo recording message from the screen? A: Just type in console BEFORE recording: \seta ui_recordSPDemo 1 ======================================== Q: How to made my shaft thin/thick? A: Try cg_altLightning 0|1|2|3 ======================================== Q: Is there something like s_ambient? A: Try \cg_ambientSounds ======================================== Q: Why always q3dm17 loaded first when I'm typing \map q3dm6 etc.? A: That is because of rotation system so you can do two things: 1) disable rotation system entirely by setting g_rotation cvar value to "" 2) modify rotation.txt contents according to your needs