Syntax: ban [/option1],[/option2],[/...] [reason] Options: /i[p] - ip ban /g[uid] - guid ban /n[ame] - name ban /h - n-hours ban /d - n-days ban /w - n-weeks ban /m - n-months ban default is ip+guid permanent ban Examples: \ban 0 /ip /1w - ban player with id#0 by ip for 1 week, "Banned till YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM" will be displayed on connect \ban spammer /3m "Think some time about your past actions" - ban player "spammer" by ip+guid for 3 months \ban badguy /name "This name is not allowed there" - ban player "badguy" by his name Notes: GUID ban performed only when GUID is valid i.e. non-empty IP+GUID ban is most effective and secure there as name ban may affect too much players