R559: Upd: ip to country database R556: Add: Jump Velocity[2] - cpm doublejump velocity control R550: Fix: lags when printing multiple lines from crontab R548: Add: 3rd value for Ammo Behavior if set controls amount of ammo gained when a weapon is picked up the first time 0: Not controlled 1: Same as default weapon ammo (picked from the map) 2: Same as weapon's ammobox amount R546: Fix: damage animation for high uptime R544: Fix: sticky grenades orientation R542: Misc: minor speed tweaks Fix: callvote exploit (cvar overflow) R540: Add: Players ruleset parameter - means amount of currently connected(connecting) players R539: Fix: explode sticky grenades on direct client hit R537: Add: g_speclock (default 0) 0 - disable 1 - active players can't spectate opposite team (CA/FTAG) 2 - full speclock Remove: speclock as console command R536: Tag: [0.9.9-RC4] Fix: some weird client connect errors Misc: some additional q3cc optimizations (results in faster and smaller QVMs) R535: Fix: low ammo warning sound for spectators R530: fix: bug in ipdb R527: add: Team Knockback, Enemy Knockback: no - 0 - disable knockback from weapons alive - 1 - apply knockback to alive players frozen - 2 - apply knockback to bodies (ftag) default: alive + frozen look in ruleset/default.cfg for details R526 add: Spawn System: 0 - vanilla(default), 1 - new spawn system fix: game warnings on some maps R523 Fix: speedup and reduce memory usage in text renderer R519 Fix: low ammo message behavior R514 Add: "scale" bit to KnockbackStyle - means multiply recieved damage by Knockback value to get resulting knockback, "damage" bit is ignored in this case, "fixed" bit is working as usual R510 Fix: warmup sounds Fix: filter urbanterror servers from browser R509 Chg: use Knockback parameter as limiting (clamp) factor if KnockbackStyle "damage" bit is set R508 Add: AntiCamp.Warning - time do display anti-camp warning before anti-camp protection begins Misc: negative AntiCamp.Time unconditionally disables camp protection when console is down Add: cg_followKiller 2 - follow first killer if not following anyone atm R507 Add: cg_followKiller R506 Add: WaterDamage, SlimeDamage, LavaDamage ruleset options R505 Add: more info on scoreboard bottom R503 Chg: cg_oldHitSound is now cg_hitSound with changes, read docs\client.txt for details R498: Fix: model colors on SP podium Fix: SP podium timer was not initialized at all (ID bug) R497: Fix: don't request prediction info at level end Fix: loading rotation when g_rotation string value is empty R495: Fix: sudden death sound may be played when it shouldn't Fix: wait for connecting players before making everyone is ready during timed warmup R494: Fix: speclock now works a bit better R493: Fix: '#' char encoding R492: Misc: encode MOTD messages with new encoder R491: Misc: explain g_warmup times in vote string R490: Fix: do not play timelimit/fraglimit warnings during warmup R488: Fix: \tell command R487: Misc: check for floatfix in 1.32e and use if available - will fix start shader times so gfx will be smooth all time R485: Fix: reset EF_FIRING during weapon change R484: Chg: rename all mod cvars from sv_* to g_* R482: Fix: some animations at high uptime R480: Fix: teammate-as-enemy bug when playing on xp servers R474: Misc: ignore commands from non-connected clients Misc: allow zero damage for weapons with non-zero resulting knockback R473: Fix: reject new vote if previous vote is in execution R471: Chg: TIME property for GameTime element specifies time to display after warmup, element is always on during warmup R469: Fix: don't play prepare sound twice in some situations R468: Fix: last weapon may not set if you join game from spectator state Chg: Default Weapon now is machinegun R467: Fix: spawn view angles R464: Fix: allow loading empty hud files Fix: warmup prepare sound do not played after some time Fix: warmup sounds separated from hud Misc: WarmupInfo element deals with Time and Fadeout parameters R463: Chg: new warmup system g_warmup accepts following values: < 0 - infinite wait for ready players (sv_matchmode dependent) = 0 - no warmup, instant match start > 0 - usual timed warmup Chg: g_doWarmup now is read-only and always "1" by default Fix: "prepere for fight" not played in some cases Fix: \team s not working in come cases R460: Fix: don't play fraglimit warnings if roundlimit is set R457: Fix: sounds after vid_restart R456: Fix: play no ammo sound only when player is not dead R454: Fix: roundlimit have higher priority than fraglimit Fix: don't add teleportation effect for dead players and bots during intermission Fix: wrong sounds on first rendered frame R453: Misc: move spectator to intermission point on second "team s" request R451: Chg: move ed_playerScale to ruleset cvar PlayerScale R449: Add: Warmup Weapons ruleset option (0 = give normal start weapons) R448: Fix: missing vote counters after cgame reload R447: Fix: reward sounds after warmup R446: Fix: packet loss during intermission R445: Fix: LG muzzle point now works correctly with crouching R444: Add: WeaponList Style 1 - hide gauntlet icon from weapon list R442: Fix: server command overflow when playing with many bots R440: Fix: connection during timeout Fix: frozen player' spec movements R437: Add: NoSuicide to GameFlags - disables \kill command R436: Fix: timeout movements R434: Add: new time accounting system Misc: g_inactivity now can drop idle spectators Misc: sort teams depending on gametype(CTFs/DM) Misc: don't unlock teams on level exit - will avoid team mixing after restart/rotation R433: Add: Ammo Behavior first value option 3 (min weapon / give ammo) Add: cg_waterEffects (bitmask, default 3) 1 - bubble trails in water 2 - warping fov in water R431: Fix: wrong hud colors after hud reload Fix: lagometer during intermission/timeout Fix: start health in FTtag/CA Fix: do map load if map_restart requested and there is connecting players (avoid 1.32 engine bug) R429: Fix: don't send any server text messages to connecting clients - will fix "a reliable command was cycled out" bug Fix: count only connected player for level exit ready R427: Fix: force team for active player in tournament if he is connecting(downloading?) more than 30 seconds and there is waiting connected player in spectators R426: Fix: initial bot team in tournaments Fix: incorrect rank sorting R423: Fix: made name change message client-side for ed clients R415: Chg: Ammo Behavior, takes 2 values now First value is ammo from weapons on map 0 - VQ3 behavior 1 - QL behavior 2 - CPM behavior Second value is ammo dropped by dead 0 - same as weapon pickup VQ3/QL 1 - same as ammo pickup 2 - remaining ammo in weapon (max is weapon pickup) 3 - remaining ammo in weapon (max is ammo pickup) / CPM 4 - remaining ammo (no max) R412: Add: cg_railTrailTime -1 - trail time is equal to shotgun/rail cycle times R410: Add: Drop on Death flag 8 (drops remaining armor after dying) Add: cg_lightningImpact Misc: Renamed cg_smoke_sg to cg_smokepuff R409: Fix: don't change win/loss counters if warmmup is not ended R404: Fix: movers/weapons positions for high level times R403: Add: DropOnDeath ruleset cvar, move related bit values from GameFlags R401: Fix: made team leader change client-side detectable (only for ed clients) R498: Misc: replace static speclock image with text R393: Add: warn about wrong value types / unknown parameters in ruleset parser R386: Add: cg_altLightning (changes lg beam style default is 0 = vq3) R385: Fix: \give drops game if specified item is disabled in ruleset R383: Fix: don't play damage transition sound after fall sound in case of high ping (>500ms server snapshot delay) R382: Fix: don't use s.pos.trBase for muzzle point calculation because its value is not precise(snapped), use playerstate origin instead R381: Fix: lagometer values when client is connecting Fix: muzzle/bounce point calculations R377: Fix: load bot skill images with nomip Fix: weapons for dead bodies R376: Fix: don't allow players to drop their start weapons R375: Fix: don't load default config settings when deciding to use current config Fix: set shotgun pellets to 11 when playing on legacy servers R374: Add: Shotgun.Pellets controls amount of pellets R373: Add: FiringWeight weapon parameter, default is 1.0 Add: FiringKnockback weapon parameter, default is 0 R372: Fix: crash in demo ui R368: Fix: forcing sending prediction after ruleset load R367: Chg: team rank massage colors R366: Add: message new encoder/decoder R365: Add: SeleportSpeed ruleset cvar, values: -1: restore input velocity(X*X+Y*Y) 0: restore input velocity(full) >0: force specified velocity default is 400 R362: Fix: Overtime do not working properly Add: cg_gunAnimations, bitmask: 1 - weapon change animation 2 - firing animation 4 - walking animation 8 - falling animation default is 15 (all on) Chg: cg_drawGun now is works only for disabling/enabling gun R360: Chg: Weapon bobbing seperated from cg_bobbing, use cg_drawGun 2 to disable weapon bobbing R358: Add: Z Knockback and Z Self Knockback R357: Add: rank message in team games Add: gtmask hud element property - will enable/disable element in specified gametype (mask value), default is -1 (display in all gametypes) for all elements R356: Fix: low ammo warning on baseq3/unknown servers R354: Rename: SwimSpeed -> SwimScale, ChatSpeed -> ChatDelay R352: Fix: dead players can produce step sounds R350: Implement: FS#158 - Demo list - filtering, sorting, subdirectories, hotkeys: backspace - return in previous directory enter - load demo, enter directory / - set focus to Filter field R343: Fix: buggy ioq3 x86_64 jit comliler may set more bits for short int than we need R342: Fix: release spectator view if we stop spectating player R341: Fix: don't add flag rewards in non-flag games R340: Fix: wrong timings when running on latest ioq3 engines R339: Fix: warn about wrong value types for game cvars in ruleset parser R337: Fix: wrong hit tones in some situations Fix: spectator view stuck if spectating client getting killed and disconnected Fix: don't call ClientEndFrame() if client is not connected Add: handle $(sname) in CG_ExpandString() which means spectator name Misc: a bit better hitcolor calculation R336: Fix: don't show players with invalid userinfo on scoreboard Fix: powerups spawns when disabled in config R335: Chg: toggle weaponselect bar when switching players when spectating R334: Fix: powerups do not spawned correctly after warmup Fix: "2in1 spawn&stuck" bug R333: Fix: memory overwrite if client have too many maps R332: Fix: use last view angles when stop following R331: Fix: stats not cleared for baseq3 clients when they join game Chg: don't clear stats on \reload (but it will be cleared anyway if \reload requires map restart) R330: Misc: allow all ed cvars to be used in boolean evaluation: if (machinegun.ammo > bfg.ammo) { ... } - now is working, for example R325: Fix: print proper message when joining team in ftag R324: Fix: remove sv_solids sv_inactivitySpectator sv_unlagged sv_chatProtection sv_muteSpectators sv_chatSpeed sv_teamBalance from default ruleset R320: Fix: load noAmmo weapon shader always in hi-res R318: Fix: grenades always rested axially (CPMA hint :P) R317: Fix: make cg_oldGrenade, cg_noMip, cg_hiResIcons cvars latched because cgame needs restart to apply changes from them R316: Fix: "Sync Every Frame" UI option R313: Fix: message color in Chat[1..8] hud elements R311: Fix: don't count spawnfrag for attacker if he died after launching missile and then his missile killed someone else R307: Fix: correct ammo/armor when setting them by cheat commands (\give *) Fix: gauntlet "silently" attacks just after respawn and when attack button is still pressed Fix: spectators client-server misprediction due to non-equal trace mask R306: Misc: display eliminated players with -1 health and -1 armor in team overlay and show empty location for them (as they don't have bodies anyway) R302: Fix: isolate players colors/names in chat lines R301: Fix: don't draw chat[1-8] hud elements during intermission, by default R300: Fix: don't lock spectators POV on team lock R299: Misc: in-game video mode checks, may be useful for fast resolution switching without vid_restart R296: Add: cg_crosshairHitColors, cg_crosshairHitTime Add: Lightning Gun Knockback Style R294: Fix: wrong monospace text position/alignment R293: Fix: noshadow doesn't working when monospace is set for hud element :P R287: Fix: potential value precision loss in ruleset parser R284: Fix: potential memory corruption when playing on xp 2.0a servers in 1.03-compatibility mode R282: Add: Advanced aiming code, Can be turned on by setting CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_SKILL_ROCKETLAUNCHER CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_SKILL_PLASMAGUN CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_SKILL_BFG10K values > 1.0 in bot files