R637: Add: allow setting custom cvars in rotation via $ name prefix R633: Fix: optionally, try to open *.add/*.set files with *.cfg extension as pure 1.32 binary may block it R631: Add: Style 2 bit for WeaponList element - means set ammo colors in similar way to Style 1 bit of StatusBar_AmmoCount element R629: Fix: don't make screenshot via cg_autoaction & 1 when playing demos R621: Chg: trigger rotation system on first map load R617: Misc: "fill" property now is working for AmmoIcon hud element R610: Misc: print ruleset load time if its greater than 1000ms (for debug purposes) R609: Fix: allow map names to be non-quoted in rotation R607: Fix: reset target crosshair time after respawn R601: Chg: allow spectators to vote if there is no active players Chg: do not count speconly players in votes R600: Add: better IPv4 address validation Fix: endianess in ipdb R598: Add: Step Height ruleset parameter, default is 18 Chg: roundlimit now usable in TDM/CTFs too R590: Fix: bug in item pickup prediction Fix: more tolerant argument checks for unknown ruleset cvars Misc: cgame - don't print trailing '.0' in mod version number R589: Misc: improve tokenizer speed/reduce code footprint R587: Add: new ban/filtering system R584: Fix: tokenizer may report wrong line number in some cases Fix: error messages for tokenizer Misc: sort servers also by ping when sorting by map name R583: Fix: stop autorecord on rcon map/callvote commands (i.e. when we skip intermission) R581: Fix: track client team change before actual rendering R580: Add: Weapons.Shotgun.Radial=2 - fixed shotgun pattern (dependent from pellets count) R577: Fix: unexpected low ammo sound played after vid_restart R576: Add: cg_debugPosition now displays also current origin[+pov] and view angles R575: Fix: slow-sinking/raising spectator movements R574: Fix: round check time for ftag/ca Fix: bounding boxes for frozen models Fix: walking frozen models R572: Add: Gauntlet.Range (default 32) R571: Add: pickup-based item respawn times for health and armor (FS#11) R570: Add: AmbientSounds ruleset parameter, default is 1 (on) R569: Add: CPMA-like spawn spots markers for non-ctf game types R568: Chg: make \cg_simpleItems scalable, i.e. accepting float values R565: Add: WarmupFlags ruleset patameter, bitmap values: 1 - respawn after warmup 2 - infinite ammo 4 - deny firing for last 10 seconds Remove: g_warmupRespawn cvar