R684: Add: \cg_zoomTime R683: Add: +fastzoom command R682: Fix: vote exploit R680: Add: \cg_unlagged 1 R677: Update IPDB R676: Add: $(versus) cgame expand variable Fix: don't print UnnamedPlayers for empty team names on scoreboard Fix: warmup info doesn't set correctly in some cases R675: Implement: allow multiple referee passwords in refereePassword cvar, semicolon-separated Fix: add client-side server commands completion only if we are connected to running game server Fix: verbose missing crontab file message Add: unref command - to leave referee state R673: Misc: rework spectator-through-door fix R669: Delete: obsolete video driver selection option in UI R663: Fix: limit max cg_simpleItems value to 2.0 R662: Fix: don't play fraglimit warnings during overtime R661: Fix: try to store and play potentially dropped events, client-side only R659: Remove cg_followKiller 2 option, now is merged with cg_followKiller 1 R657: Chg: g_allowVote now specifies allowed number of votes during level session, default is 3 Add: vote() function in rulesets - for an easy adding voting commands (in addition to g_voteStrings), up to 32 items Add: '#' char before user vote command - will trigger additional map_restart Add: if vote()/g_voteStrings commands starts with # (i.e. vote("#timelimit") ) - then automatic map_restart will be performed Add: \callvote rotate [round] Fix: player voting R655: Remove: some unused cvars Fix: swap "1on1" <> "single" in string expansion routine R654: Fix: default model loading R653: Remove: team_model, team_headmodel - use model/headmodel globally now R652: Fix: typo in hud loading message R651: Remove: dmflags server cvar