**************************************************** ********* client variables and commands ************ **************************************************** ======================== ed_hud - specify hud name in /hud directory, type \realoadHUD after that Alternatively you can use in-game hud selection menu instead of that ======================== ed_font <0|1|2|3> 0 - default font (Serif) 1 - DorisPP 2 - Liberation Sans 3 - Zekton Bold ======================== cg_drawGun <0|1> 0 - disabled 1 - normal ======================== cg_damageEffect 1 - damage blood blob 2 - damage kick 3 - both forced by server, client can disable if server allows ======================== cg_screenshotFormat cg_autorecordFormat specifies file naming scheme for autorecord, screenshotJPG and screenshotTGA commands available variables: $(date) - DD-MM-YYYY format $(rdate) - YYYY-MM-DD format $(time) $(gametype) $(map) $(team) $(teamname) $(server) $(name) $(sname) default: $(name)_$(gametype)_$(map)_$(rdate)_$(time) ======================== \autorecord starts recording demo with name according to cg_autorecordFormat pattern ======================== \screenshotJPG makes screenshot with name according to cg_screenshotFormat ======================== \screenshotTGA ======================== \reloadHUD ======================== cg_enemyModel [ pm | modelname ] sets model for enemies "pm" means use current bright colored enemy model if model is known for mod i.e. there is possible to modify model colors if model is unknown (like "alien" or so) then it will be forced to "sarge" ======================== cg_teamModel [ pm | modelname ] sets model for your teammates ======================== color [colorstring] colorstring is a 5 char-length string, where 1st char - rail rings color 2nd char - head color 3rd char - torso color 4th char - legs color 5th char - rail core color i.e. "\color 12224" will set red railrings, green head/torso/legs and blue railcore ======================== cg_teamColors [colorstring] syntax and values is the same as for color ! will work corectly only if cg_teamModel is set ! ======================== cg_enemyColors [colorstring] syntax and values is the same as for color ! will work only if cg_enemyModel is set ! ======================== cg_muzzleFlash <0|1> 0 - disabled 1 - normal ======================== cg_smokepuff <0|1> 0 - disabled 1 - show shotgun smokepuff ======================== cg_corpse <0|1|2> 1 - gray corpses 2 - gray teammates corpses in ftag ======================== cg_followKiller <0|1> 0 - off (default) 1 - follow killer ======================== cg_autoaction 1 - screenshot at map end 2 - autorecord demos 3 - screenshot+autorecord ======================== cg_drawMouse <0|1> allows you to easy select and follow players by pressing +scores bind [tab] and mouse-clicking on reqiured client on scoreboard ======================== cg_drawNames <0|1> draw names to mark your teammates on the level ======================== cg_country set up your 2-char country identifier and scoreboard flag ======================== cg_bobbing 1 - weapon bobbing 2 - fall bobbing 3 - weapon+fall bobbing ======================== cg_hitSound 0 - disabled 1-4 - play a specific tone 5 - play different tones based on damage (lower tone = higher damage) 6 - play different tones based on damage (lower tone = lower damage) default is 2 ======================== cg_noMip do not reduce texture quality for following effects, bit values: 1 - lightning 2 - plasma 4 - rocket explosion 8 - grenade explosion 16 - bullet explosion 32 - rail disc/core 64 - bfg explosion 128 - blood explosion 256 - smoke ======================== cg_playerSounds local player sounds, server forced to enable, bit values: 1 = Walking sounds 2 = Jumping sounds 4 = Lightning Gun humming 8 = Railgun humming 16 = BFG humming 32 = Weapon switch sounds ======================== cg_crosshairPulse <0|1> pulse crasshair when picking up items/powerups ======================== cg_crosshairHitTime time (in ms) to keep corresponding crosshair color (from cg_crosshaitHitColors) after hitting enemy set to 0 if you want to disable this feature ======================== cg_crosshairHitColors Variable-size array of chars that specifies crosshair hit colors Number of chars specifies number of ranges that 100% damage amount will be splitted on Examples: "12" - will set color "1" in case of <=50% damage and color "2" for rest damage: 0<1>50<2>100 "AZM" - will set color "A" for <=33% damage, "Z" for <=66%, and "M" for rest damage: 03366100 if there will be 4 chars - then damage 100% damage will be split on 4 ranges (0<.>25<.>50<.>75<.>100) and corresponding color will be set for each range and so on ======================== cg_altLightning <0|1|2|3> 0 - vanilla LG beam style 1..3 - alternative LG beam styles ======================== cg_lightningImpact <0|1> 0 - disable LG impact sprite ======================== cg_waterEffects bit values: 1 - Bubble trails 2 - Field of view warping ======================== cg_oldGrenade <0|1> 0 - CPMA grenade models 1 - old VQ3 grenades ======================== cg_hiResIcons <0|1> 0 - normal simpleitems 1 - high resolution simpeitems ======================== cg_itemFX available bit values: 1 - up-down bobbing 2 - rotation 4 - scale-up during spawn ======================== cg_noBlink <0|1> ======================== cg_noShow <0|1> disables atmospheric effects in Freeze Tag gametype ======================== cg_noShotgunTrail <0|1> disables shotgun trails rendering on client side ======================== cg_noAmmoChange <0|1> 1 - don't allow selecting weapons without ammo ======================== cg_gunOffset x,[y,[,z]] - on-hand screen weapon offset ======================== cg_gunFov ======================== cg_gunAnimations bit values: 1 = Switching 2 = Shooting 4 = Walking 8 = Jumping ======================== cg_railTrailTime >= 0 - defined trail time -1 - trail time is equal to shotgun/railgun cycle time ======================== cg_railTrailRadius radius for linear dynamic light source, works only in combination with Quake3e engine ======================== cg_drawChatId modes: 1 - round scopes 2 - round scopes + align 1-gidit ID's 3 - square scopes 4 - square scopes + align 1-gidit ID's color - scope color, white is default if not specified example: cg_drawChatId 1,3 - means yellow round scopes ======================== cg_teamChatsOnly <0|1|2> controls chat messages that reaches Chat1..8 HUD elements 0 - All messages appears in chat 1 - Display messages only from teammates 2 - Display messages only from teammates + same behavior for Console HUD element ======================== cg_unlagged <0|1> 1 - draw fast(unlagged) rail trail client-side, i.e. without waiting server acknowledge/event -- this provides much better 'unlagged' feeling BUT at the same time real(server-acknowledged) trail position may differ _a lot_ - please take in mind that moment before enabling cg_unlagged feature! cvar is non-archived by default so you need to type "\seta cg_unlagged 1" to save it for future game loads ======================== cg_projectileNudge <0..150> nudge enemy projectiles by specified percentage of your current ping default is 0 (disabled) ======================== cg_zoomFov Field of View (FOV) in zooming mode ======================== cg_zoomTime zooming time 0 - instant zoom-in/zoom-out default is 150 milliseconds