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Dollar Sign Macros "$$"

Introduction To Macros

Macros in Threewave are just a fancy name for A Shorthand Language With Lots Of Dollarsigns that we created.

Often in teamgames, players message each other. "I was killed by the red team" could be one message. But wait -- what if you're on the blue team? You need a separate message. Not anymore. Now, you can type "I was killed by $Q" and it will automatically fill in the enemy team's colour.

The List

  • $H - Your current health
  • $A - Current armor and class
  • $W - Current weapon
  • $N - List all weapons the player currently has
  • $M - Amount of ammo for current weapon
  • $U - Amount of ammo for all weapons in arsenal
  • $T - Current tech (same as current rune)
  • $R - Current rune (same as current tech)
  • $E - Closest tech/rune on the ground that can be seen
  • $I - Closest item, mega, armor, powerup, ammo
  • $B - Current holdable (medkit/teleporter/powerscreen)
  • $L - Current location (q3's target_location used on overlay)
  • $O - Current location Q2 style (nearest weapon/powerup)
  • $P - Closest player that can be seen
  • $F - Closest friendly player that can be seen
  • $Y - Closest enemy player that can be seen
  • $C - Last player to attack you
  • $K - Last player to kill you
  • $S - Colour of your team
  • $Q - Colour of enemy team
  • $D - Last enemy you damaged
  • $G - Last enemy you killed
  • $$ - Print a single dollarsign

Some Examples

  • "say_team $Y is at $O, need backup!" [Shrew is at red rocket launcher, need backup!]
  • "say_team Incoming $Q at $L" [Incoming red at crossroads lower]
  • "say_team I am down to $H and $A" [I am down to 93 Health and No Armor]
  • "say_team I just dropped the $R at $L near $O." [I just dropped haste rune at blue flag room, near blue railgun]
  • "say_team I have $$20 in my bank account" [I have $20 in my bank account] [Note: I just put this here to show the trivial $$ macro]

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