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Threewave CaptureStrike
 g_gametype 9


CaptureStrike is a fast paced blend of Capture the Flag, Rocket Arena, and CounterStrike. Teams take turns being Offence or Defense and battle until one team is dead, or the Offense team captures the flag.

Info and Rules

- Teams Take turns being Offense or Defense.

- The Goal of the Offensive team is to capture the enemy flag.

- The Goal of the Defensive team is to eliminate the enemy, prevent the enemy from touching your flag, prevent the enemy from capturing your flag.

- Each turn Lasts up to 2.5 minutes.

- Once you die you stay dead until the turn completes.

- At the conclusion of a turn the teams switch offense and defense to complete the round.

- 2 'Turns' make a 'Round'

- You spawn with an assortment of weapons and ammo, all for free!

- Players have the ability to rocket jump without doing damage to their health, but will damage armor.

- When your flag is white, you are Offense, the white flag cannot be picked up by the enemy.

- Offense must attack the enemy base, grab their flag, and return to their white flag at home to capture.

- When a flag carrier is killed, the flag stays where it drops and cannot be returned to the enemy base by touching it.

- After the last person is killed on either team, the round is over. If the Offense team has the enemy flag, and proceeds to kill all the enemy on the way home to cap they will be awarded the same 2 points they would have received if they had capped. You cannot get the 2 points for capping and 2 points for killing the enemy team, only one or the other.

- By default, servers will use a limit of 15 team points to determine the end of play on that level. If a round is in progress the level will not end until both teams have completed their turn within that round. In the event of a tie, more rounds will be held until their is a decisive winner.

Team Points


Touching the enemy Flag the first time in each turn: 1 point.

Capturing the enemy Flag OR Killing the entire enemy team: 2 points.


There are no defensive points. The objective is to prevent the offense from getting any points.

Personal Points

Personal Points are awarded on a basis similar to CTF, and will be outlined further at a later date.

Sound Cues

Teammate killed: /sound/ctfs/teammatedied.wav     - Listen

You are the last man alive on your team: /sound/ctfs/lastmanalert.wav     - Listen

Your flag carrier is killed and the flag has dropped: /sound/teamplay/flagret_blu.wav    - Listen

If the Offensive team fails to get any points they will hear: "Denied"

If the Defensive team denies the enemy from scoring any points they will hear "Excellent"

The capture sound should be self explanitory.

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